Täisteenust pakkuv agentuur 2.0: Uus mudel

Nii nagu keegi ei taha teada, kuidas vorsti tehakse, ei taha ka reklaamiklient muud kui head toodet/teenust.

Olukord, kus spetiifilisi agentuure on üha rohkem ja need (grupisiseselt) omavahel veel ka konkureerivad, teeb kliendi elu väga keeruliseks. Klient tahab, et agentuurid selle keerukuse ise lahendaks ja nähtamatuks muudaks.

See on väljakutse ettevõtete kultuurile. Võtmesõna on koostöö eri distsipliinide vahel, internal communication. Näen selles olukorras üsna märkimisväärset rolli projektijuhtidel, kelle oskused protsessi igapäevasel koordineerimisel (suhtlemisoskus) ja kampaania kokkuõmblemisel võivad tuua kliendile just selle rahulolu, mida too ootab.

Mandmglobal kirjutab uue ajastu agentuuri väljakutsetest.

Procter & Gamble’s global chief brand officer Marc Pritchard: Frankly, your complexity should not be our problem, so we want you to make that complexity invisible.

Havas chairman and global chief executive, Yannick Bolloré: At first, Havas Villages would hold monthly meetings [with] everyone mistrusting those across the table and viewing them as competitors instead of colleagues. We have worked hard to bring about a cultural change and create one single harmonious Havas family, working together to meet our clients’ objectives.

Jarek Ziebinski, global chief executive at Publicis One:

After years of fragmentation, we got to a point where clients found it hard to navigate their way through the complexities of our agency structures.

Now, the client is at the centre and we’re enabled to deliver specialisation when required alongside fast and flexible integrated solutions across all communication disciplines.”

Sir Martin Sorrell, WPP: In our early days, I doubt even the UN could have persuaded our companies to put down their cudgels and work together. But happily they have now discovered that peaceful co-existence and cooperation is not only possible but very fruitful.

Janeck Uibo

Janeck Uibo on Edasi.org asutaja ja peatoimetaja. Loe artikleid (273)