Augustis ja septembris tutvustame reklaamireedetel Cannes Lionsi kõige teravamat kraami. Festivali üks iga-aastastest hittidest on sessioon Saatchi&Saatchi New Directors’ Showcase, mis on lühifilmide demo mix noorte filmitegijate ja animaatorite parimast loomingust. Tänavu toimunud show oli järjekorras juba 28-s ja seminari uksetagune järjekord lookles mitusada meetrit mööda festivalipaleed. Teie ees on parimad noored filmitegijad!
Georgia Hudson’i loodud klipp Tom Misch loole “Water Baby”
“Georgia Hudson has created a prolific imprint on the music scene with her unique video work, subsequently nominated in 2017 as Best Director at the UKMVA’s. Her passion for dance, emotion driven storytelling and the way movement interacts with the camera have been used to create films for Under Armour, P!nk and Loyle Carner, to name just a few. Inherently female, always moving, beautiful – Georgia Hudson’s visceral films interrogate youth culture, identity and self-expression on a physical and intuitive level, with her signature attention to evocative and lustrous aesthetics.”