NYPD 4 võtet, kuidas veenda & aidata inimesi kriisiolukorras

NYPD Läbirääkimisoskusi läheb vaja kõikidel inimestel. Mõned olukorrad on keerulisemad kui teised. Mida oleks läbirääkimiste ja inimeste veenimise kohta õppida New Yorki politsei ekspertidelt, kelle igapäevane töö ongi kriisiolukordade lahendamine?

Know their hooks and hot buttons

Why say something that upsets them when you’re trying to build a connection? Note and emphasize the things they like and avoid the subjects that get them riled up.

Focus on the future

Suicidal people need to hear about the good times ahead. And people are more likely to play fair in a deal if they think they’re going to have to deal with you again.

Your behavior is contagious

If you can’t control your own emotions, how do you expect to be able to soothe theirs? Stay calm and employ that late night DJ voice. Use “dynamic inactivity” — shut up.

Slow it down

Rushing to finish can backfire. Time defuses emotions. Clarify and review.

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Janeck Uibo

Janeck Uibo on Edasi.org asutaja ja peatoimetaja. Loe artikleid (273)