Eksklusiivne! Pesuehtne intervjuu Victoria’s Secret ingliga. Never give up!

Victoria's Secret I Foto: Instagram @angelzuri

Sel nädalal ei saa moemaailmas üle ega ümber novembri lõpus Pariisis aset leidnud ülikuumast Victoria’s Secret-i moeshow’st. Nimelt näitas CBS esmaspäeval aastatepikkuse traditsiooni kohaselt nappides kostüümides neidusid oma telekanalil ülekandes.

Victoria’s Secret on ülemaailmne pesufenomen, mis sai alguse 39 aastat tagasi Roy Raymondi eestvedamisel. Viis aastat hiljem müüs mees oma firma umbes ühe miljoni eest maha ning 1990ndateks aastateks oli brändi käive juba üle miljardi dollari, mistõttu Roy 1993 enesetapu otsustas teha. Praegusel hetkel on brändi käive üle kuue biljoni, ettevõte CEO on Lori Greeley.

Hetkel kogu maagia/inglite fenomeni taga on müstilised tiivad ja ekstravagantsed pesu numbrid. Praegu on Victoria Secret-i disaineriks Edward Razek, kes kavandab iga outfit‘i vastavalt tüdrukule ning tema iseloomule. Esimene moeetenedus peeti 1995. aastal ning tänaseks on see kujunenud üheks tuntumaks moemaailma sündmuseks. Modelle, kes laval imepeenete kontsadega kõpsutavad nimetatakse tänu tiibadele, mis nende outfit‘le lisatakse, ingliteks. Kuid suurim au on saada VS leping ja olla official angel.

Üheks tuntumaks ingliks peetakse supermodell Adriana Lima‘t, kes on seda showd teinud juba 16 korda. Särtsu ja elevust lisavad igal aastal ka kolm artisti, kes show erinevates sektsioonides esinevad.

Sellel aastal jagas inglitega lava Lady Gaga, Weeknd ja Bruno Mars, kellest viimasega avanes minu sõbrannal Zuri Tibby‘l ka paar tantsusammu teha. Nimelt esines Bruno just Pink sektsioonis, kus 21-aastane Zuri sel aastal oma VS lava debüüdi tegi.

Zuri Tibby on esimene mustanahaline Pink line brand ambassador. Ma tean, kui palju higi, pisaraid ja sihikindlust oli neiul vaja, et oma unistuseni jõuda.

Loodan, et tema töökus on eeskujuks ka teistele noortele ja annab julgustust, et miski ei ole siin maailmas võimatu!

Anything is possible!

Järgneb lühike usutlus Zuri Tibby’ga.

VS Pink Brand Ambassador Zuri Tibby:  never give up!

Media compares walking the Victoria’s Secret fashion show to winning an olympic gold medal, do you feel the same way or is there any other goals that you would like to achieve in your modeling career?

I do feel like walking the Victoria’s Secret fashion show is like winning an olympic gold medal in the modeling world. It’s an amazing feeling walking down that runway and every single girl preps all year round for that moment. It’s very rewarding.

After the casting, did you have a feeling that you nailed it or were you rather nervous and how did you receive the news that you booked the prestigious show, who was the first person you called?

I received the news that I was in the show from my manager. He told me very calmly that I have a fitting and I started freaking out and called my mom.

Among you there were quite a few veteran angels walking this year, was there anyone you totally fan girled over? What do you admire/value in that person?

Out of all of the angel veterans, which are all amazing – the one I fan girled over the most was definitely Elsa Hosk. She started out In pink just like I did and she opened the show this year and killed it! (Elsa Hosk on Victoria’s Secret’i lava väisanud juba kuus korda – Alex).

You walked in the pink section, how many fittings did you have to do before the outfit was 100 percent complete and how did it changed since the first try on?

To walk in the pink section I only had to do two fittings. One in NYC and one in Paris before the show. My outfit did not change at all since the first fitting.

People usually don’t realize how much time goes into the actual preparation for the show (workouts/hair/make up/nails/rehearsals/press), can you break it down how early did you start preparing your body, how many rehearsals did you do and when was the call time on the actual show day?

Preparing for the show was one of the hardest things I’ve done. I have been training consistently since may and constantly switching up my work outs. Before the show we had one rehearsal and the call time for the show was 10 am. (Esimene show oli kell 6 õhtul ja teine kell 9 ehk modellid pidid olema 8 tundi varem show toimumispaigas kohal, et ettevalmistustega alustada – Alex).

Lastly, I know how much work and termination went into finally getting this show, what would you like to say to anyone out there trying to achieve their dreams?

Anyone who is trying to achieve their dreams I would say – never give up and work as hard as you can and they will all come true.

Stay fab, Alex



Alex Ljadov

Alex Ljadov on maailmarändur, kelle reisikohver paikneb hetkel boheemlaslikus West Harlemi korteris. Aeg-ajalt kirjutab ta Edasile oma tegemistest modellimaailmas ja kreatiivsest elust originaalsuse mekas New York’is. Loe artikleid (19)